8 Basic Sewing Tools and where to get them.
- Always use a decent quality thread when sewing. Cheap thread breaks easily and your designs will suffer because of this. A favorite brand is Gutermann, available at Joann'e. https://www.joann.com/search?q=Gutermann%20Thread Gutermann also has an excellent kit for sale with a good selection of basic colors. https://www.joann.com/7-spool-promotion/5777339.html.
- Always have a measuring tape handy, a small investment for creating an accurate fit. Michaels stocks one simple and inexpensive one by Loops and Threads https://www.michaels.com/loops-and-threads-tape-measure-60in/10340669.html
- A seam ripper, a must for every sewer, without this little tool, your designs will not be the same. We all make mistakes and this little tool un-does it all! Dick Blick has a good one. https://www.dickblick.com/products/seam-ripper/?gclid=CjwKCAjwp9qZBhBkEiwAsYFsb6PtktvR5Wwmohhp-PIaIzpM7kcYU_zU67Js2q0DcY2028XF4-n09xoChiIQAvD_BwE
- Chalk. You need chalk to make marks on a fabric where you draw the place where there are notches on the pattern (to line up pattern pieces) amongst other things. Instead of this basic chalk , you can also use wax or a pen with disappearing ink. Links for all these below.